Terms & Conditions
I/We hereby expressly understand and agree that any information or Report furnished by A. V. Knowles & Co. ("the Company") herein is for the exclusive and confidential use of the person and or company ordering same who has obtained the written consent of the data subject to requisition the information or Report. It may contain opinions or information obtained from third parties which have not been verified. Accordingly, the Company does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of such information. I/We therefore agree to hold the Company free and harmless from any LIABILITY WHATSOEVER for any loss or damage (howsoever arising) which I/We may suffer or incur resulting from my/our use of or reliance on such information or report. The results of each credit enquiry are based on our records as at the date of said enquiry. Our records are subject to change without notice. Should you require further assistance or clarification please write to us at [email protected].